Abbie Malmgren Abbie Malmgren

Langford is Expanding!

It all begins with an idea.

When we first opened our Langford clinic in the St. Anthony’s Building in 2008 we thought ‘Wow, we have so much space!’ and here we are 13 years later and we now need more space. The Covid Pandemic and the growth of the Westshore Community pushed us in the direction of requiring extra room and we were fortunate that the office space next door to us had the room for us to expand.


Here is a before picture of the Langford Clinic. Before any walls were removed and floors ripped up.

We truly appreciate our clients that are attending our Langford clinic in the midst of the construction as we are doing our best to continue care without closing the office too much. It’s been a challenge but the extra space is wonderful and while the work is not yet complete, we wanted to share the progress that has occurred.

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