Frequently asked questions.

Do I need a referral to come in?

A referral is not mandatory unless you have a WorkSafe BC claim or your extended medical plan/insurer requires one for your reimbursement.

If you have had surgery or a fracture, it is very helpful for our therapists to have the doctor’s referral as it gives the therapist specific information about your injury/surgery.

Are your services covered under MSP if I have a doctor’s referral?

Not necessarily. MSP only covers a portion of the visit if you have a lower income and qualify for Premium Assistance. If you are unsure if you qualify, please call one of our locations with your date of birth and personal health number and we can see what your coverage is like.

Do you direct bill extended medical plans??

Yes, we are able to direct bill most extended healthcare plans such as Pacific Blue Cross, Greenshield, Canada Life, Sunlife, Manulife and many more for your physiotherapy appointment. Most plans do cover for physiotherapy and it is strongly recommended you look into your plan to see what your coverage is like for this category. You would be responsible for any fees not covered by your plan.

If you are receiving a splint/brace/orthosis from one of our clinics, you will need to pay us directly for the cost and we will issue you a receipt you can submit to your plan for reimbursement.

What is a Certified Hand Therapist?

A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) is a physiotherapist or occupational therapist who has worked specifically in hands and the upper extremity for a minimum of 4000 hours in order to write and pass an examination to get their certification.

All of our therapists have a special interest in working with the upper extremities and are a CHT or are working towards their CHT under mentorship.

Can I come in if I have a WorkSafe BC Claim?

Yes. Remember to bring in your claim number, personal health number and doctor’s referral. We can look into your coverage for you as it depends on whether your claim is traumatic (a single incident) or repetitive (happened over a period of time).

Can I come in if I have an ICBC Claim?

Yes. Remember to bring in your claim number and personal health number. With ICBC claims you are entitled to 12 weeks of physiotherapy coverage from the date of your accident. If you are outside this time frame, a doctor’s referral may be required or a pre-authorization may need to be set up with your ICBC Claims Specialist.

Can I purchase a splint without an appointment?

For medical/legal reasons we cannot issue splints over the counter. There are many factors involved in determining the best splint for our clients including type of injury, joints affected and best fit. It is best to have an assessment with one of our therapists to determine the best splint/orthosis for your needs.